St David’s spectacular

Bron’s Buffet

A great time was enjoyed by some 71 people in Pelham Hall on the eve of March 2nd for the Penallt St David’s Day Celebration. The Hall’s Events Committee, superbly fronted by Brigitte Northedge and in partnership with The Bush, had pulled out all the stops to put on a splendid evening.

An exceptional buffet meal was laid on by Bronwyn Boston from The Bush - feeding 70+ is no mean task and Bron did so magnificently.

The bar’s normal range was augmented by two Welsh guest beers - Llandogo Trow from Kingstone Brewery, Tintern and Into the Valley from Grey Trees Brewery in Aberdare and a range of recommended red and white wines was on offer too.

Highlights of the evening included spirited community renditions of Calon Lan, Cwm Rhondda, Sospan Fach and The National Anthem, ably led by our resident Monmouth Male Voice Choir stalwart, Martin Newell.

And, if this wasn’t enough, the evening finished with all taking part in a Welsh-themed quiz, set and conducted by Bob Scarr. For the record, the joint winners were "Roses" and "No Hopers".

A selection of photos appears below - click each for a larger version together with a caption.


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