FA Cup Final - Large Screen, Bar - nibbles & banter 2.45pm Sat 25th of May. Come and see Manchester thrash Manchester

FA Cup Final - Large Screen, Bar - nibbles & banter 2.45pm Sat 25th of May. Come and see Manchester thrash Manchester ⚽

Welcome to the Penallt Village Website

Penallt (also spelt Penalt) is a village standing on the high ground south of Monmouth, above the west bank of the River Wye in the Wye Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The name can be translated from the Welsh as head or top of the (wooded) hill and, even though much of the land is now agricultural, this still seems appropriate when looking up from the river. The village is four miles south of Monmouth off the B4293 Monmouth to Chepstow road. It boasts some 200 houses, two pubs and a fine village hall (Pelham Hall) with its tennis, bowls and cricket clubs. This website, among other things, aims to provide information about the village, its history and its community and to act as a notice board for the wide variety of events held within its boundary.

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